Using Obsidian as a CMS

DiMi-Using Obsidian as a CMS

Finally, I switched my blog platform framework to Astro, which not only provides faster loading speeds but also makes updates and maintenance easier. Markdown files can be synced directly. I had been using Typora as a Markdown editor, which offers a WYSIWYG experience, and it’s very easy to maintain individual files. However, Typora lacks a file manager, making multi-file management inconvenient. So, I switched to using Obsidian as my Markdown editor. After some exploration, I realized that Obsidian is incredibly convenient as a CMS for blogs.

  • File Manager: With Obsidian’s search function, you can easily add, delete, modify, and query files.
  • Document Properties: Starting from Obsidian 1.4, it introduced document properties, which allows you to format the Frontmatter of Markdown files in a fixed format. Combined with the template feature, writing Frontmatter becomes very convenient. Previously, when using Typora, Frontmatter formatting was strict, and hand-writing it often led to mistakes. Now with Obsidian’s document properties, it’s almost error-proof.
  • Images: The blog’s images are hosted on Tencent Cloud COS, and Picgo is used for image management. The Image auto upload Plugin can quickly upload images. You can use either or Picgo-core. If using Picgo-core, you can configure it using picgo set uploader. If uploads fail, try enabling the Fix PATH variable option in the Obsidian plugin.
  • Syncing: Place the Obsidian vault in iCloud to sync across multiple devices and edit documents anytime, anywhere.
  • Publishing: With the Git plugin, once scheduled publishing is set up, articles will be automatically published to the hosting platform after they are written.
Published on 2024-09-11, Updated on 2024-09-14